Top Grade Season!

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The 2023/4 National Hunt season has now ended and has proved to be yet another record season for the yard! Following the previous record season in 2022/3, in the 2023/4 season the yard not only enjoyed a 65% increase in prize money won but also achieved a win/run strike rate of 20% (up from 19% the previous season). More excitingly, in 2023/4 the yard won its first Grade 1 success by Nickle Back winning the Scilly Isles Grade 1 Novice Steeplechase at Sandown. Anyone placing a £10 win bet on each horse sent out by the yard during the season would have won over £330! Every horse that raced for the yard in 2023/4, with just two exceptions, won prize money.

A massive thank you to our wonderful owners and members of our racing club, Yen Hall Farm Racing, for their fantastic support and, of course, to the whole team at Sarah Humphrey Racing!

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